Friday, December 12, 2008


I may've mentioned the whole Huggamo/Uggamo debate on here before. To summarize, a huggamo is something that's cute with little debate. Puppies, kittens, etc are all huggamo.

Some other examples of huggamos include:

And this too:

But the uggamo is a bit trickier. An uggamo is something that's so ugly, it's cute. Or another way to look at it is this: an uggamo makes you feel all the emotional sensations of seeing something cute while simultaneously feeling revolted. The confusing thing about the uggamo is that some people find certain uggamos to be genuinely huggamo. Even suggest that these things are ugly and they'll destroy you. Take the pug for instance

This is the most classic UGGAMO. Pug lovers however can only see the cute. But please look at this guy objectively. He looks like a stuffed animal version of a hand that's been submerged in water for three hours. It's hideous. Yet cute. Uggamo.

Here are some other pictures. I'll let the folks at home decide whether it's HUGGAMO, UGGAMO or just plain UGLY.

And let us close with this video, which poses the same basic question.

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