Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Topical Tuesdays Volume 1

And now we complete the cycle of daily posts. Tomorrow will be Wagon Wheel Wednesday again and nothing will be new. Enjoy this breath of fresh air while it lasts.

Today in the news:

Jeremiah Wright Endorses McCain. Shit, he may as well have. I understand ordinary Americans' fears over this guy, but some of what he says is true. I don't want this sight wire tapped by the FEDS, so I'm not going to offer anytyhing particularly controversial here, but I will comment on the AIDS business. Obviously it's a bit of an overstatement. But there was once a time where the AIDS cases in this country could be counted on one hand. It could've been contained and for whatever reason (probably because it seemed to only affect people that weren't in Reagan's Fave 5) it became an epidemic. So it's all semantics really. McDonald's didn't invent the Hamburger, but they spread the Hamburger. We definitely didn't "invent" AIDS, but it's not out of the realm of possibility that we could've done a better job controlling it.

I for one find Jeremiah Wright to be a bit adorable though. He has a beaming smile and possesses an elusive "teddy bear" quality. Sure he's a greedy preacher out for himself first, the Black community second, the white community third and Obama last. But take that same footage, remove the inflammatory statements and replace it all with Teddy Ruxpin-isms, and you'll want your own J. Wright doll in no time.

Another big item is that McCain announced a health plan. I assumed he was finally taking the opportunity to give us his doctors' credentials so we can all put aside our fears about his age. But no, just a bunch of nonsense about OUR health. Worry about your own health first Mr. Speaking of which, these pictures have been floating around that show what the candidates will look like in 4 years. Obama and Hillary look noticeably older. McCain though looks more or less the same. Probably because what they're not telling you is that they predict he'll have a heart attack within a year and this is what the embalmed photo of McCain will look like.

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