Monday, February 23, 2009


As I've mentioned in past posts, I have spent a good chunk of time searching for deals at the Circuit City liquidations. I found a gem here or there but mostly held myself back. But in the case of one CD, I finally fell today.

For those who know, which is probably only three or four random people who happened to have been with me when the song came on, Mint Condition's "Breakin My Heart" aka "Pretty Brown Eyes" is an all-time jam of mine. This is just one of those songs that despite modern R&B's shortcomings, works shockingly well, even today. So when I saw the Mint Condition Collection a few weeks back at Circuit City, I was really tempted to buy it. Even though I am mostly opposed to Greatest Hits collections, the thought of having "Pretty Brown Eyes" at my fingertips at all times tempted me. It sort of defeats the purpose though, since this is THE JAM that I hope to hear whenever I randomly listen to urban radio 90's throwback blocks. Anyway, I decided against buying the CD. At the time, Circuit City's CD's were a mere 25% off, so it seemed like a sensible decision. Maybe it would still be there when I returned for a higher discount.

Well last week, I came back and in my browsing found The Collection again. By now the prices were 40% off. Much better. Yet I searched deep within my loins and reigned in my compulsion again!

Today I returned. I wasn't planning on going back, but I passed by the store. How can I pass by the store and not even go in? Especially since the CDs are now 50% off!? So I walked to the music section and the place was nearly empty. They still had a few CDs here and there but probably about 30% of what they had just last week. I browse and what do I find in a stack on the ground? Yep, the Mint Condition Collection. I had to get it. It was a sign I say! A sign. I waited in a long chaotic line. A weird lanky white dude asked me if the thing he was holding in his hand was a router. It looked like a wired router, but I don't know. Definitely not wireless. I told him that. He said he wanted a wired router. Whatever that means. He ended up getting mad at leaving the store. Oh well..

As for me, I bought the damn thing! So for 7 dollars, I now have the ultimate in awesomeness. The collection also comes with a remix of "Pretty Brown Eyes," plus a bunch of other sold Modern R&B bangas! Oh man. Mint Condition here I come!

Still don't know the song? Have a listen


Pure gold.

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