Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I hate to say it but blog entries have become a chore. Sad, isn't it? I want the blog to be like a massage. After a long day, an entry should soothe my muscles. The composition of entry should be like Epsom salt. Like a spoonful of peanut butter and a lick of brownie batter without the salmonella risk. Not on my back, in my mouth. Tastes good. Right? But it isn't. Blogs taste like sandpaper right now. Like overcooked salmon. It just another thing to do. This proves that I'm lazy. That's okay I guess. Wait wait, no. Lazy is not okay... I don't think I'm actually lazy. I just hold myself to high standards.

Now on to to business... I've spent the last few weeks trying to unsubscribe from e-mail lists. You don't really realize quite how many things you are subscribed to until you start trying to remove yourself. I thought the best way to go about doing it was to wait until I got an e-mail from a list I didn't want to belong to and then unsubscribe. Overall this probably was the best way but I'm still getting e-mails constantly from lists I'm subscribed to! It's like a hydra. You cut off the head and it keeps growing back. Okay that analogy isn't quite right because once I unsubscribe from a site, I stop getting e-mails. It's not like there's one particular secret list (like the special hydra head) that I can burn and all the others will die. Plus don't hydras grow two heads for every one you cut? It's more like a 300 hundred headed beast who you only think has 10 heads, but once you go into battle and start chopping heads, you see there's many more heads than you first thought. Or like trying to guess how many jelly beans are in a jar. Or guessing the price of musical instruments or golf sets on the Price is Right. I'm sorry but that drum set is not worth $1000.

As we speak, I just got another one!

This post is probably better suited for my ranting on Thoughtful Thursdays, but too late now. I'm not writing a new entry. Sorry.

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