Thursday, May 15, 2008

Un-Thoughtful Thursdays

Don't worry, this won't be a post where I talk about cutting off drivers or stealing pennies from blind homeless men. It's a spin-off. Yes it's sad that after only a few Thoughtful Thursdays I'm spinning off. But let's face the facts. You can't have rant-worthy thoughts every single week. At least I can't. So for days when I have no really passionate thoughts, I will have an "unthoughtful" post. You can consider this the lobotomy post.

It may involve games that you can play at home. The only rule is that it has to be pretty much mindless. For instance, you might see a list of all the words that I can think of that rhyme with "Dreidel." Alright, so that DOES require thought- fable? does that count. If I was still an emcee, under the Rasputin moniker, I woulda definitely said spin the dreidel/broken Mt. Sinai fables... Or some shit like that. BUT IS IT A REAL RHYME? - see... thoughtful but also sorta mindless.

Let's begin with a very simple exercise. On the count of three, what are the first three animals that come to mind. 1,2,3... RESULT TIME! Mine was Gorilla, Possum, Chimpanzee. Chimps and Gorillas are similar but not the same.... Let's try again... 1,2,3... Deer, Care Bear, Piranha.... One last time for good measure.... ONE... TWO... THREE.... Goat, Horse, Cheetah. Actually I'm cheating. The real answers were Goat, Bear, Chimpanzee. But I had already done chimp and a form of bear so I didn't think that was really worthwhile.

Now you try.




Please write in your comments what animals came to mind.

Ah, speaking of animals (and I do realize there's a slight overlap with Friendly Fridays, but hey, consider this Unthoughtful Thursday to be a kinda segue into tomorrow. Or maybe It's making up for my oversight last week. Damn I don't need to justify myself to you. This is my fucking thought of the day, damn it. Animals are worth thinking about. The Polar Bear was just put on a protected list so it won't go extinct. This is worth our thoughts. So answer this question and stop with the harassing already, it's rather uncouth of you). Here's your animal question: Let's say you were Noah for a day, but God got really mad this time and only wanted to save three animals, what would you pick? Keep in mind the following words as you make your decision: pets, delicacies, cute, helpful. Can someone please respond to my questions already?


jen. said...

owl, bird, fish. hmm fish maybe doesn't count. but it was the first thing to come to my mind!

noah's: chimp, giraffe, cheetah

Rasputin1981 said...

Hmmm... Why does bird count but fish doesn't? And an owl IS a type of bird... Your list is all insane!!! But you win a prize for at least trying.

laurel said...

panda, lizard, cow

laurel said...

p.s. those are not the three animals I'd save, mind you. I can't really choose three, because I'm pretty sure it would be an eleven-way tie with all species of bears, black labs, yellow labs, beagles, and lop-eared rabbits. But I could confidently say that if i had to toss a species 'overboard,' if you will, it would be the catfish.


Brian said...

bear, cow, monkey.

and setting aside all ecological consequences, i would have to save beef, chicken, and pork, because i am hungry. without at least one dairy-producing animal we'd have no cheese, in which case you might as well throw ME overboard.