Tuesday, September 9, 2008


I will not talk about Sarah Palin and my rabid dog attitude towards that spawn of Robert DeNiro in ANGEL HEART. I will get too upset.

This morning I saw something on the little screen in my elevator that I wanted to discuss. I now forget what I saw. So let me find another news item. I can't think of much. Kim Jong is on his death bed. What else? Larry King loves sex with 25 year old non-white women. What else?

Let's turn to Google News.

What's the latest news on Mr. Potato Head? It appears as if Marbles Children's Museum in Raleigh will begin an exhibit in 2009 entitled "The World Adventures of Mr. Potato Head." That sounds pretty great. I'd love to travel the world with Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head. They could easily adapt to every culture's norms, and they don't need a suitcase. That will be especially helpful on smaller flights where there are very strict weight-per-passenger limits.

What about Gumby? What's new with him? Apparently not much. Pokey on the other hand... no nothing new there either.

Moving along, let's check in on our old friend Neil Armstrong. The last I see on Neil is a mention of his 2005 autobiography and his desire to return to space even though NASA won't let him. Fuckers show no appreciation right? What's NASA stand for exactly? Neil Armstrong Sucks Ass? Must be.

Finally, how about an update on the country of East Timor. SHIT! The East Timor government is blaming the Australian government for introducing the toxic "cane toad," which is now described as East Timor's "worst pest." Apparently diggers in Australia released the toads, the toads hitched a ride on a military vehicle headed for East Timor and then had a ton of children once they arrived. This is clearly bad news bears. Let us at least appreciate East Timor's lovely flag.

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