Tuesday, September 2, 2008


THIS JUST IN!! Kleenex sales amongst Republican men 18-65 have gone up 900%! Damn. Now that's consolidating your base. Then again, all the Republican women who are so gung-ho about Palin's normal womanliness may feel a bit different once their husbands start accidentally calling out Sarah's name during intimate moments.

Probably my favorite part about the whole VP story is how obviously Huffington Post is showing it's liberal bias. I mean, nothing wrong with some liberal bias if you're a liberal. But this is beyond blatant. The current front page is an all out assault on this woman. From her ties with Alaska Separatist movement to her "near recall" as mayor of a town of caribou.

Ahhhh the CNN coverage is killing me. The GOP keeps talking about how sexist these criticisms of Palin have been. When your campaign's response to Palin's national security credentials is that Alaska is the closest state to Russia, you're opening yourself up to criticism.

This is the greatest thing about a candidates' VP pick. Someone's Wikipedia page can go from a stub to a full-on novel in less than an hour. That's power.

Oh my... John McCain has pulled his interview with Larry King because he's mad about an exchange between Campbell Brown and McCain's jerk-off spokesman Tucker Bounds re: Palin's foreign experience.... Wow that's completely lame.

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