Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Live debate blogging!!

7:07PT One more thing... McCain says that peacemaking requires a "cool hand." Like the cool hand that suspended his campaign and called his wife a cunt in front of his aides? Okay Cool Hand McCain. Okay.

7:06PT Okay, I don't feel like doing this anymore... As I watch these debates I read CNN and New York Times' live blogging. I'm always annoyed that they don't say enough. They only update the thing every twenty minutes or something. Now I understand. Commenting on everything is a pain.

7:01PT A lot of the people in the crowd look like they want to attack the candidates.

6:55PT McCain tried to make a joke about him losing hair. No one seemed to laugh.

6:45PT Yes McCain just proposed flying cars... Actually he didn't.

6:41PT "I saw it done," says McCain. "Back in the days of George Washington."

6:33PT Discussion time. This is absurd. Brokaw asks at 15 second question and then asks the candidates to only talk for a minute? That's a 4:1 answer to question ratio. That's awful.

6:32PT Obama's talking about us sacrificing energy production in our homes. This is definitely more specific than McCain's answer.

6:28PT Brokaw joking about the candidates talking too much again

6:24PT McCain's talking a lot about his bipartisan record. Does anyone care about how he rejected his party ten years ago? When's he dissed his own party recently?

6:21PT McCain's sort of just repeating what Obama says on some of these answers... He's trying to show his record as reformer... Now he's calling Obama the most liberal senator... blah blah... oh enough.

6:15PT Ooh Obama's getting negative first.

6:12PT McCain just told an independent Black man that he probably hadn't heard of Freddy and Fannie Mac before the crisis. Asshole.

6:11PT Oh man, Brokaw just got a bit testy telling candidates to stick to the rules.

6:06PT McCain tells Obama "it's good to be with you at a town hall meeting" Yuck. Remember he wants a million town hall debates... McCain knows how to get the economy going but he doesn't tell us.

6:05PT Obama's laying out the steps for economy... He sounds good! Oh yes he does.

6:03PT Obama always wins the coin toss.

6:03PT Are they sitting at grade school desks!? Not quite. Looked like it for a minute.

6:03PT And here come the candidates... McCain is moving slowly of course.

6:01 1/2PT And here comes Tom Brokaw!

6:01PT Wolf Blitzer says 6 million questions came in. That means one question for every Jew who died in the Holocaust. I wonder if it's a coincidence.

6:00PT And here we go! The debate is supposed to start now

5:48PT They're showing the stage. Oh yes, the candidates are very very close to the people. This means that someone can possibly be spit on by accident. Maybe that'll decide these undecided voters.

5:40PT Wow interesting... Suzanne Malveaux is talking about the limits of how much emotion and humor Obama can show with respects to coming off as an "angry Black man" or a "clown."

5:37 PT Watching CNN's panel. Don't know if they're best political team, since they say what everyone else says but I find the whole package entertaining. Campbell Brown has been pretty good recently in her commentaries. She also has a very thin nose.

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