Tuesday, August 12, 2008


No this isn't a post about Condi the Vampire or Bush the Bogeyman. I'm talking real life storybook monsters here. It all started a couples weeks ago with the Montauk Monster, a beast so terrifying that I can't put its picture on this blog. I'm sure you've all seen it by now anyway. Despite reports that this freak was a turtle without his shell, many scientists saw nothing but a decomposed raccoon. Apparently there's some sort of language mix-up where the animal that most human beings call "monster," scientist human beings call "raccoon." Those crazy smart fucks.

Now I need to post a picture just for comparison's sake



But this is really old news... There's a new monster now! Something called a Chupacabra. It's some sort of mix between a coyote and a kangaroo. At least it looks like that. It could be any number of things really. I'll let the video explain

This proves little. It looks like a coyote. They freeze it to show the "snout" but some coyotes can have big snouts too, especially coyotes from Texas who've been eating barbecue for years and years. Seriously, most monsters are regular animals. Just people with bad eyesight seeing ugly fauna. Like look at this monster... pretty terrifying...

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