Monday, July 7, 2008


Happy 4th of July to all my fellow patriots!

As you may've noticed, there was no Thoughtful Thursday and no Friendly Friday. I was on vacation. I refuse to apologize for not posting. But I will apologize for at least not warning you beforehand.

I had a lovely time in my hometown. Jen claims that ALL I did was try to sell records and buy new ones. This is a gross exaggeration. I did sell some record though. Nothing good. Just old expendable records that I had lying around the house. My dad loves to throw out important things. He always claims they're in the attic, but I've scoured that attic for years and still haven't found my yellow teddy bear.

I had this nightmare of him walking into my old room one day and seeing records all over the place and instead of calling me to ask which records had value, dialing up the trash man instead and throwing them all away. One of those "I can't take this mess!" moments. Like Lenny Kravitz cutting his dreads. "I need order!" That kind of thing.

Looking through all my records at home, I had a few thoughts. Actually one main thought: I have a shitload of vinyl. Probably enough to open my own small record shop. People have seen my records in LA and asked me how long it took to amass such a collection. I'm always tempted to fly them to Philly so they can REALLY see my record collection. But a 500 bucks plane ticket just so I can gloat? Even I'm not that insecure.

It's not just shit records I left behind in Philly. There's some really great valuable records too. I brought a few back home. Such as the Neil Young S/T no name cover. This is one my "treasure" records. It's actually not in great condition, so it's not worth that much. In Mint I think it's worth like 150 bucks or something...

Here's what the album cover usually looks like (everything after the first pressing)

But initially it looked like this.

Not many made. But I have one. It was sitting in a closet neglected.

I sort of want to quit my job, drive my car across the country, taking a Southern route, checking out some national sights that I've missed in my many years of National park touring (your White Sands National Monuments, your Guadalupe Mountains, your Mammoth Caves). Then load all the good records in my car in Philly, and take the fastest route to southern Utah and see the country's greatest parks (which you'll learn all about in several months when Wagonwheel Wednesdays hit Utah).

There's some excitement about going home and picking out a handful of great records to bring back to my new home. I wrap them in a bag and carry them on the plane. They do cramp my leg room a bit, thus increasing my chances of Deep Vein Thrombosis. But now I have gradual compression socks to prevent that, so it's a fair trade for the most part.

Damn... reading this over, my thoughts are even more jumpy than usual. Air travel can do that to you.


jen. said...

hahaha this is ALL true. the obsession. the gross amounts of records. the love for national parks. the deep vein thrombosis fear. and the compression socks. ALL OF IT.

Rick said...

Whoah, this Musical Monday was starting to turn into a Wagonwheel Wednesday toward the end there...