Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Perhaps some of you have seen this image in the past week:

It's sort of been making the rounds. First the blogs, then a few more respected sites then finally Time Magazine. Yes, you guessed it, it's Old Person Japanese porn! That dude's been in hundreds of movies. He's in his 70s. His wife and kids don't even know he does porn. I wonder if they know now...

I haven't seen of this stuff (I swear, I swear, I swear) but apparently the dude does films with younger women too. It's horrifying, I know. But is it? Shouldn't we be allowed to fornicate forever? Great word "fornicate." And copulate too, another classic. The thought of old people getting it on doesn't disturb me much. And young/old? "Harold and Maude" is one of my two favorite movies ever, so obviously that doesn't even bother me. But filming it? And paying money to watch it? I can't lie. Makes me a bit queasy. Like a detective who can handle some blood but vomits into a trash can when he sees a severed head. The geriatric sect having sex's like a little blood. Filming it, like a severed head. And no that's not a pun.

Speaking of the 65+ crowd. You know what ads I love? The ads about TVs having to switch over to a digital signal. It's one thing to market an add to an older demographic, but these ads don't beat around the bush one bit. I think the average age of the people disseminating information is about 80. Sure there are some 80 year old out there who can't figure this out. But then again there are other 80 year old making porn. So perhaps the ads should be a bit more respectful and split the difference. Maybe have a 60 year old deliver the message. Someone a bit older, but someone strong. The goal should be to have people say "Morgan Freeman only has a 12 inch Black and White TV!? Wow I guess I'm normal." Now it probably only elicits jealousy...

"That 90 year old bitch knows how to do and I don't? What's the point of living?"

We don't want that result.

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