Thursday, July 24, 2008


You know what I find amazing? States that almost were. I realize that last sentence doesn't make much sense. But it really does if you know where I'm coming from. Like madmen who think the rest of the world is insane... I'm serious! STATES THAT ALMOST WERE... See, there are a few states, as in United States (not states of mind for instance) that don't exist but ALMOST existed. Like the State of Franklin in East Tennessee. Today I read a great article about a proposed state that would have encompassed part of Wyoming, Montana and South Dakota. As you'll see in the article, the state of Absaroka may've just been some cowboy tall tale. Or maybe it was closer than that. Who knows. Not sure how many Wyomans could read or write in the 1930s to give a realistic account.

Enough of all that state talk though. This isn't Wednesday. I'm going to search to try to find a list of all proposed states and on Wednesday I'll fill you in... But in the meantime, a word on Andy Rooney. As my original readers know, Thoughtful Thursdays was supposed to be my Andy Rooney day of the week. That quickly ended since rants get a bit old after a minute or so. Don't worry, I'm not going to start ranting. But I am going to talk about Andy Rooney for a minute. He's a pretty intriguing dude. Not because he has anything worthwhile to say, but rather because he's such an easy target. I went to YouTube to search for some old videos of Andy Rooney, mainly because I can't imagine this guy as a young man and I was pretty surprised by what I found. I couldn't find any useful vintage Rooney footage, but there were hundreds of Rooney parodies. My this man has quite an eclectic base of mimics. Everyone makes fun of him. Even kids! There was this 10 year old doing an Andy Rooney impression. Let me see if I can find him.

Yes. Here he is!


Why aren't there clips of Mr. Rooney from his old TV shows? I had this romantic picture of the old Andy Rooney, back when he was a dashing hungry reporter, stealing women's hearts from coast to coast. But nothing. I did have the chance to rewatch this classic Andy Rooney/Ali G encounter though:

I don't know what else I can say... It takes a lot to make me laugh. I'm a bit of a serious guy. But that shit is FUCKING HILARIOUS. I could watch that every day and never get bored.

Andy Rooney and Ali G need a show together. But Sacha Baron-Cohen's retired the roll, so I guess I'll just have to imagine my own version.

Shit, I'm hungry. All I had was a salad. That's never enough. It fills me up for about a minute. Unless it's a cheeseburger salad on a bun with no lettuce. That's delicious. Rib salad without lettuce or any other vegetables other than corn on the cob is quite good too. But salad salad? I'm a growing boy damn it! Give me my meals!!

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