Wednesday, July 23, 2008


AH!!! Alex felt so bad that he skipped over Hawaii that he visited it last week just so he could write a Wagonwheel: Hawaii! ... Uh, no. Not quite. A fellow blogger, friend, traveler, etc over at Blinking Against the Brightness offered to a guest entry!

For one, I'm impressed that she even offered. Clearly this is someone who cares a great deal about Wagonwheel Wednesdays. Second, she did a damn damn good job. Maybe so good that I'll have to have her do all the Wagonwheel Wednesdays from now... Okay maybe not. I'd feel like a quitter. But that doesn't change the fact that her entry is wonderful. Amazing pictures (to be expected from a photographer I guess) but also a real understanding of what makes the wagon wheels spin so to speak.

Here are some things to look out for.

1. Hawaii looks mysteriously like the island on Lost... HMMMMMMMMMMMMMM... interesting.

2. Look at that crazy animal! Hawaii's worth it just for those beasts alone. Mainland America has cows and dogs and cats. Hawaii has snarling monsters!

3. Look at that map of Hawaii! It's like 8 states in one!

But enough of my recap. See for yourself..... WAGONWHEEL WEDNESDAYS: HAWAII!

I shall return next week with a state I actually have been to... Illinois I believe...

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