Thursday, July 10, 2008


I'm doing well folks, I'm doing well! My thought of the day is this: I'll always have irrational fears about my health. I've now at least gotten to a place where I can not obsess over these fears completely. Take this morning for instance. I noticed my fingernails were yellow. The firs thing that popped into my head was jaundice of course. One of my dear friends recently had a liver transplant out of the blue. They still have no idea what happened to the liver. He's fighting through it, thankfully. So jaundice is on the brain. I started to get a bit worried, then I remember I made some chicken shawarma last night and the marinade was yellow. Problem solved. Plus, jaundice doesn't affect your fingernails I don't think. I looked at my eyeballs to be sure. They looked a bit orange, but I think that may've just been the blood vessels clumped together.

Speaking of dinner last night, I didn't cook some of the chicken well enough, as I discovered a somewhat raw piece mid bite. I spat it out and inspected all the other pieces thoroughly (which would also explain the fingernails). I'm still a bit worried about salmonella because of its three day incubation period. Not as worried as the time I accidentally ate a pirogi filled with raw chicken. But that's another story... Plus, salmonella is big in the news these days. Speaking of which, they just said the outbreak has reached 1000 cases. How do they possibly know if it's linked to the same source. Are they just clumping salmonella cases of mysterious origin to the outbreak? I know there's a particular rare strain. Maybe that's how they make the connection. Wow, my stomach hurts now. I think the salmonella is kicking in.

You what hurts like fucking hell? Getting the skin/casing of a garlic clove stuck underneath your fingernail. That happened yesterday. My thumb still hurts.

Back to my recent ailments. My knee started killing me as I walked around the office today. Back years ago when I sprouted four inches in a few months, I had some serious knee problems. My snowboarding didn't help the knees at all. I had to stop running track. But I stayed on the team. Even learned to throw the shot put. Pretty well mind you. Actually not well. But better than most of the other people on my Quaker track team. The knees got better after a couple years. But now my right knee kills. I hope not literally kills. A year ago, I would spent hours looking up knee pain on the internet. Today, I'm gonna just say ignorance is bliss and assume that my clumsy ass banged it on something. I do that a lot. Lack of balance. Could be early Mad Cow symptoms or Parkinson's. Let's hope not. Fingers crossed. (But not crossed too hard... The could cause a finger clot).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

LOL! Glad to hear you're still a hypochondriac :) I was dying as I was reading this...My first thought with yellow fingernails was also that you might have jaundice. I don't think it's safe to rule it out just yet. Oh, and just thinking about the story with the pirogis had me laughing had me laughing so hard I almost choked. Oh, the memories. I miss hearing about your ailments :)